Andrew Hurley
"Andrew Hurley's fine translation makes available this acclaimed Puerto Rican novelist's La renuncia del héroe Baltasar (1974), the fictive chronicles of an arranged marriage plotted to save Puerto Rico from certain slave rebellion. Interspersed lectures, letters, and documents reconstruct conflicts of class and race set in Island's colonial past. Occasional footnotes, but an introduction would have added insights for the nonspecialized reader"--Handbook...
The works of an Argentinian writer who took the detective story and turned it into metaphysics. They range from the 1935 'A Universal History of Iniquity', a series of biographies of reprehensible evildoers, to the surrealistic 'August 25, 1983' in which Borges meets himself as an old man.
One of Cuba's most imaginative young writers presents this tale of one woman's spiritual and sexual reawakening, and a devastating portrayal of the Castro regime. In sensuous language, Valds renders day-to-day life in both urban and rural Cuba, while at the same time exploring the universal themes of love and loss.
In 1970 Jorge Edwards was sent by Chilean President Allende as his country's first envoy to break the diplomatic blockade that had sealed off Cuba for over a decade. His arrival coincided with the turning point of the Revolution, when Castro began to repress the very intellectuals he had once courted. A gifted writer, a diplomat, a socialist, an outsider, Edwards has a unique perspective on this crucial moment in history, which has determined Cuba's...
Fidel Castro is perhaps the most charismatic and controversial head of state in modern times. A dictatorial pariah to some, he has become a hero and inspiration for many of the world's poor, defiantly charting an independent and revolutionary path for Cuba over nearly half a century. Numerous attempts have been made to get Castro to tell his own story, but only now, in the twilight of his years, has he been prepared to set out the details for the...
"The book of imaginary beings is Borges's whimsical compendium of more than a hundred of "the strange creatures conceived down through history by the human imagination." Imbued with Borges's characteristic wit and erudition, this unique contribution to fantasy literature ranges widely across the world's mythologies and literatures to bring together in one delightful encyclopedia the fantastical inventions drawn from the Kabbalah, Homer, Pliny, Confucius,...
From the Publisher: Born in Nicaragua, Ruben Dario is known as the consummate leader of the Modernista movement, an esthetic trend that swept the Americas from Mexico to Argentina at the end of the nineteenth century. Seeking a language and a style that would distinguish the newly emergent nations from the old imperial power of Spain, Dario's writing offered a refreshingly new vision of the world-an artistic sensibility at once cosmopolitan and connected...