IM Global (Firm)
1) Dark skies
Dark Skies is a supernatural thriller that follows a young family living in the suburbs. As husband and wife Daniel and Lacy Barrett witness an escalating series of disturbing events involving their family, their safe and peaceful home quickly unravels. When it becomes clear that the Barrett family is being targeted by an unimaginably terrifying and deadly force, Daniel and Lacy take matters in their own hands to solve the mystery of what is after...
Welcome to Terra, a peaceful utopian community where the natives happily go about their days in a culture that honors nature. Human beings have gobbled up all natural resources and damaged the environment of Earth beyond repair, destroyed two other planets, and are now on the hunt for a new home. They have their eyes set on Terra. The citizens of Terra have no idea of what lies in store for them: a sinister plan to convert their atmosphere to an oxygenated...