INTELECOM Intelligent Telecommunications (Firm)
People interacting with people, individually and in groups, as friends or sometimes foes is a fascinating, never-ending source of study material for social psychologists. This episode explores social thinking, social influence, and social relations of both the antisocial and pro-social varieties. Why do people do what they do? What kinds of force does a group exert? And how can cooperative efforts and improved communication begin to chip away at the...
"The most concrete evidence of our ability to think is our use of language. Nobel laureate Daniel Kahneman discusses his research in cognitive psychology, and linguist Noam Chomsky, along with others, explains the principles of language acquisition. Susan Curtiss tells the gripping story of 'Genie' - a young girl who did not learn language due to the neglect and abuse of her parents."--Container
"With neurons in the brain continually associating one event with another, it's no wonder neuroscientist Michael Merzenich describes what is in our head as "a learning machine." This lesson delves into the multiple ways humans and animals learn, with case studies on classical and operant conditioning, as well as Albert Bandura's work on pro-social observational learning."--Container.
7) Fitting in
"Humans are born without any culture. For virtually anyone the process of socialization begins with the family and continues through other social agents such as school, peer goups and mass media. The popularity of reality television shows that offer 'extreme makeovers' [of persons] is highlighted in this lesson as an example of the desire to fit in"--Container.