Maulana Jalāl al-Dīn Rūmī
"Rumi's "Divani Shamsi Tabriz" ("The Works of Shams of Tabriz"--Named in honor of Rumi's spiritual teacher and friend) is a collection of lyric poems that contain more than 40,000 verses by America's bestselling poet, and is a classic of Persian literature. Its most familiar form is as a big red book, hence the name. Coleman Barks is famous for his renderings of Rumi's poetry and his work on these particular poems has never been published anywhere....
Jalal al-din Rumi (1207-73), Persian Muslim poet, theologian, and mystic, wrote poems acclaimed through the centuries for their powerful spiritual images, which often describe Rumi's love for God in romantic or erotic terms. Many of his lyrics and odes came to him while he was in a religiously inspired trance. These four hundred poems, selected and annotated by renowned Rumi scholar A.J. Arberry, are the most comprehensive and reliable translations...