Robert F Kennedy
"In this indictment of George W. Bush's White House, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., the country's most prominent environmental attorney, charges that this administration has taken corporate cronyism to such unprecedented heights that it now threatens our health, our national security, and democracy as we know it." "In a headlong pursuit of private profit and personal power, Kennedy writes, George Bush and his administration have eviscerated the laws that...
During the thirteen days in October 1962 when the United States confronted the Soviet Union over its installation of missiles in Cuba, few people shared the behind-the-scenes story as it is told here by the late Senator Robert F. Kennedy. In a clear and simple record, he describes the personalities involved in the crisis, with particular attention to the actions and attitudes of his brother, President John F. Kennedy. He describes the daily, even...
A modern-day David and Goliath tale, The Riverkeepers is an impassioned firsthand account by two advocates who have taken on powerful corporate and government polluters to win back the Hudson River. John Cronin and Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., tell us how we too can fight for our fundamental right to enjoy our invaluable natural resources. Revealing shocking stories of commonplace environmental crime -- from drinking water tainted with hospital waste to...
Tells the story of the struggles of successive waves of immigrants who came to America and includes the President's plea for a complete revision of our immigration law. The late President expounds the need for an enlargement of our narrow immigration laws. His book expresses an ideal defined by Washington in the first years of the Republic: that America should always be a "propitious asylum for the unfortunates of other countries."
Examines the stormy passage of Civil Rights Bill H.R. 7152 through the House of Representatives. Filmed in 1964, it begins with a report on the controversial bill's history, from its introduction by John F. Kennedy to the eve of its debate on the Senate Floor. Following that report, Eric Sevareid moderates as Senators Hubert Humphrey and Strom Thurmon engage in a live television debate on the bill's merits. Film footage of John and Robert Kennedy,...