Alfie Kohn
From self-esteem to school uniforms, from grade inflation to character education, Kohn raises a series of provocative questions about the status quo in this collection of essays. He challenges us to reconsider some of our most basic assumptions about children and education. Whether he is explaining why cooperative learning can be so threatening or why detracking is so fiercely opposed, Kohn offers a fresh, informed, and frequently disconcerting perspective...
"So why do we continue to administer this modern cod liver oil-or even demand a larger dose? Kohn's incisive analysis reveals how a set of misconceptions about learning and a misguided focus on competitiveness has left our kids with less free time, and our families with more conflict. Pointing to stories of parents who have fought back-and schools that have proved educational excellence is possible without homework-Kohn demonstrates how we can rethink...
The stories are nearly unbelievable: a middle schooler suspended for bringing a Tweety Bird keychain to class (because all chains are classified as weapons); another, for pretending a fast-food chicken strip was a gun; a third, for carrying ibuprofen in violation of the school's strict policy against drugs--except, of course, for Ritalin. This documentary argues that measures intended to keep children safe have turned schools into prisons and that...