2) Tao te ching
For nearly two generations, Gia-fu Feng and Jane English's translation of the Tao Te Ching has been the standard for those seeking access to the wisdom of Taoist thought. Now Jane English and her long-time editor, Toinette Lippe, have revised and refreshed the translation so that it more faithfully reflects the Classical Chinese in which it was first written, taking into account changes in our own language and eliminating any lingering infelicities....
"In 1993, an astonishing discovery was made at a tomb in Guodian in Hubei province (east central China). Unearthed there, written on strips of bamboo that, miraculously, have survived intact since 300 B.C., was the "Guodian Laozi"--By far the earliest version of the Tao Te Ching ever found." "Robert Henricks now presents the first English translation of the "bamboo slip Laozi." Differing substantially from later versions of the text, the Guodian Laozi...
This is Thomas Cleary's translation of two classic Chinese books describing the essential philosophy and practice of Tao, written long ago as maps of the Way: Tao Te Ching and Chuang-tzu. Cleary's bold new translations restore, as no other translations have yet done, the remarkable power and mind-opening distinctiveness of the original Chinese. Composed in China over two thousand years ago and widely regarded as classics of world literature as well...
"In a contemplative essay that develops a parallel between void, space, time, and the science of vision in Laotzu's philosophy and in modern architecture, Amos Ih Tiao Chang reveals the vitality of intangible, or negative, elements. He writes that these qualities make architectonic forms "come alive, become human, naturally harmonize with one another, and enable us to experience them with human sensibility."--Publisher's description.
"Four Testaments brings together four foundational texts from world religions--the Tao Te Ching, Dhammapada, Analects of Confucius, and Bhagavad Gita--inviting readers to experience them in full, to explore possible points of connection and divergence, and to better understand people who practice these traditions"--
Read by millions of students since its first publication, The Norton Anthology of World Literature remains the most- trusted anthology of world literature available. Guided by the advice of more than 500 teachers of world literature and a panel of regional specialists, the editors of the Third Edition--a completely new team of scholar- teachers--have made this respected text brand-new in all the best ways. Dozens of new selections and translations,...