Larry Dingman Western Fiction Collection (Library of Congress)
This is an as-told-to profile of Texas cowhand Ed "Fat" Alford, related as a string of yarns you might hear told around the campfire or the bunkhouse at the end of a hard day's work. Fat was the oldest of a large family of siblings, never married, who gave his life to cowboying and whatever else in the way of work he could scrounge up during the 1920s and 1930s.
Action and glory of a matador, the idol of the bull ring. This is the story of Luis Bello, "The Swordsman of Guerreras", the greatest matador in Mexico, who is at the top of his profession, with everything that comes with it, money, a mistress, family and friends, bravado, the crowds are infatuated with him. But one day fear changes everything, he suddenly feels a fear that previously he had not felt in the invincibility that comes with healthy-macho-youth....
Roy Bean wrote deeply into the history of the Southwest. Without realizing that he was doing anything materially out of the ordinary, he established himself without authority, save his indomitable spirit and two six-guns, as Law in that vast and lawless domain between El Paso and the Pecos River and proceeded to live the most amazing career in the later history of the Southwest.
"The hands of Cantu" are the gifted hands of the best horseman ever seen in New Spain.
There was a time when horses and their riders were strangers to the vast reaches of the New World. There was a time when the explorer rode North, before there was a West, to search out the enormity of desert, mountain and sky. There was a time when strange foxfire gleamed in dark Spanish eyes, and the "malady of gold" infected the minds of the conquistadors. Here...
Emerson Hough (June 28, 1857 - April 30, 1923) wrote westerns and historical novels. His tales about the Oregon Trail, The Mississippi Bubble and The Covered Wagon, were successfully adapted for film.
A historical novel about the extraordinary life of John Law, best known for his role in introducing paper money in France and promoting the Mississippi Company. The subsequent price inflation and bubble in Mississippi Company shares are well known as...
"These are pieces of prose which concern that vast area between the Sabine and Colorado rivers: Texas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, and Arizone; the prose writing which I happen to like, that is, and do honestly and joyfully commend to your attention. If there is any other rule of thumb by which these selections were made, I suppose it is merely the requirement that the work be honest, interesting, and, as far as possible, inspired." -- p. vii.
20) Spirit Lake
A novel of Iowa in the 1850's, culminating in the Spirit Lake Massacre of '57--as seen both from the viewpoint of the Dakota Nation and that of the white pioneers.