Anthony Lewis
Clarence Earl Gideon, a semi-literate drifter, is arrested for breaking into a pool room and for petty theft. When he asks the court to appoint a lawyer for his defense because he cannot afford one, his request is denied. Acting as his own lawyer, Gideon is convicted and sent to jail. While in prison, he begins a hand-written campaign directed to the U.S. Supreme Court, contending that every defendant is entitled to legal representation. The Court...
More than any other people on earth, Americans are free to say and write what they think. The media can air the secrets of the White House, the boardroom, or the bedroom with little fear of punishment or penalty. The reason for this extraordinary freedom is not a superior culture of tolerance, but just fourteen words in our most fundamental legal document: the free expression clauses of the First Amendment to the Constitution. In this book, the story...
SYNOPSIS: In order to cure her unhappiness, Dido, queen of Carthage, marries the Trojan prince, Aeneas, who is madly in love with her. While Dido and Aeneas are out hunting, an evil Sorceress and her assistants plot the destruction of Dido and Carthage. Soon, an evil witch disguised as the God Mercury stops Aeneas. She tells him that he must abandon Carthage and found a new Troy on Latin soil. While Aeneas hates the thought of leaving Dido, he cannot...