Amia Lieblich
"Up Close and Personal: The Teaching and Learning of Narrative Research, the second volume in the series The Narrative Study of Lives, brings together a diverse group of narrative research scholars who share their actual experiences of learning, teaching, working, and growing in this exciting field. The wide variety of innovative approaches and expansive theoretical perspectives they offer will be immensely helpful to those who are learning or teaching...
"An increasing number of psychologists argue that people give meaning to their lives by constructing and internalizing self-defining stories. The contributors to this volume explore how, beginning in adolescence and young adulthood, our narrative identities become the stories we live by. This volume addresses the most important and difficult issues in the study of narrative identity, including questions of unity and multiplicity in stories, the controversy...
"Over the past several years, psychologists have begun to question their concept of the self-contained individual while devoting more attention to relational, ecological models of self. This broader conceptualization of the self has been deepened by qualitative methods of studying the self-in-relationship. Building on their previous volumes in The Narrative Study of Lives series, editors Josselson, Lieblich, and McAdams illustrate the potential for...