Abraham Lincoln
"Shortly after Lincoln's death, in 1865, all the papers which had accumulated in his office files during his presidency, plus many more which he had brought with him from Springfield, were removed from the White House by his son. From that time until July 26, 1947, when the collection was first opened to the public, these papers were shrouded in secrecy. In the introductory chapters of this book, the author presents the dramatic history of the collection,...
""Professor Fehrenbacher has prepared a splendid introduction and notes to a documentary portrait of Lincoln through his speeches and writings. . . . Eminently useful and admirable book which teachers and students at nearly all levels will appreciate."--Kliatt"--Wordery.com viewed Oct. 31, 2022.
""This compendium of letters, speeches and public papers of Mr. Lincoln, put together by one of the outstanding Lincoln scholars in our nation, constitutes...
In their political effect, the debates were of far-reaching importance. As important as their effect on the fortunes of the contestants was the part played by the debates in crystallizing public opinion. The issues the two candidates discussed were national, not local: the extension of slavery to the national territories, the status of the Negro, and the power of the states and territories to regulate their "domestic institutions"--Meaning slavery...
This is the first comprehensive collection of remarks attributed to Abraham Lincoln by his contemporaries. Much of what is known or believed about the man comes from such utterances, which have been an important part of Lincoln biography. About his mother, for instance, he never wrote anything beyond supplying a few routine facts, but he can be quoted as stating orally that she was the illegitimate daughter of a Virginia aristocrat. Similarly, there...