Bessie Love
A Civil War spectacular. Portrays life in the South during and after the Civil War as revealed in a story depicting the war itself, the conflict between the defeated Southerners and emancipated renegade Negroes, the despoiling of the South during the carpetbagger period, and the revival of the Southern white man's honor through the efforts of the Ku Klux Klan.
The Broadway Melody offers snarky, wiseacre humor, and effervescent charm. The Mahoney Sisters are successful singers in the boondocks, and now they've come to New York for the big time. Hank (Henrietta) is the smart one, while Queenie is the beautiful one--as Hank's fiancé Eddie Kearns says, they're "a coupla swell kids." Songwriter Eddie gets the girls a part in a revue featuring his song, "The Broadway Melody." Eddie, long engaged to Hank, falls...