Mark H Lytle
"Here is a panoramic history of America from 1954 to 1973, ranging from the buoyant teenage rebellion first captured by rock and roll, to the drawn-out and dispiriting endgame of Watergate." "In America's Uncivil Wars, Mark Hamilton Lytle illuminates the great social, cultural, and political upheavals of the era. He begins his chronicle surprisingly early, in the late '50s and early '60s, when A-bomb protests and books ranging from Catcher in the...
"Rachel Carson's Silent Spring antagonized some of the most powerful interests in the nation - including the farm bloc and the agricultural chemical industry - and helped launch the modern environmental movement. In The Gentle Subversive, Mark Hamilton Lytle offers a compact life of Carson, illuminating the road that led to this vastly influential book. Lytle explores the evolution of Carson's ideas about nature, her love for the sea, her career as...