Archibald MacLeish
9) Conquistador
A poem which, in general, follows the account given by Bernál Díaz del Castillo, one of the conquerors, in his "True history of the conquest of New Spain." cf. Note.
This expanded volume of the distinguished poet's work contains 29 previously uncollected poems, some that had been published, and some found in manuscript after MacLeish's death in 1982. This is the definitive volume produced by a life that filled several careers as writer, teacher, and public servant, but was devoted above all to poetry.
12) Scratch
Suggested by Stephen Vincent Benet's short story "The devil and Daniel Webster."
14) Six plays
"The eminent poet and playwright presents six views of what it means to be human, alone and in company, and of the possibilities for and constraints upon individual expression of the human spirit."--publisher.
In these long interviews, conducted during the last five years of his life, a noted writer talks about his professional life as a poet, playwright, lawyer, editor of Fortune, Librarian of Congress and Harvard professor. Relatively reticent about his family, MacLeish (18921982) is outspoken about FDR, Truman ("totally himself all the time"), Joe McCarthy, George Marshall (a remarkable man of great intellectual powers) and Alger Hiss ("the most complete...