Christian Madsbjerg
"Based on his work at companies like Ford, Christian Madsbjerg's SENSEMAKING is a provocative stand against the tyranny of big data and scientism, an impassioned defense of a liberal arts education, and a blueprint for how companies and leaders can use human intelligence to solve problems. Humans have become subservient to algorithms. Every day brings a new Moneyball fix--a math whiz who will crack open an industry with clean fact-based analysis rather...
"Christian Madjsberg and Mikkel Rasmussen, principals at ReD Associates, argue for the role of a new set of tools to understand the "soft" factors that influence how people buy and consume ideas and products. Drawn from the authors' work with companies like Lego, Samsung, Adidas, Intel, IBM, and Coke, the book will teach you how to understand people holistically in their environments-how they live, what they think and do all day, what their habits...