Howard E McCurdy
"Space exploration has always been one of the country's most expensive undertakings. The first moon landing cost $21 billion in 1969 dollars. The International Space Station currently under construction will cost at least $65 billion by the time it is finished. A single flight of the reusable space shuttle costs $400 million. In Faster, Better, Cheaper: Low-Cost Innovation in the U.S. Space Program, Howard E. McCurdy examines NASA's recent efforts...
People dreamed of cosmic exploration, winged spaceships and lunar voyages; space stations and robot astronauts, long before it actually happened. This book traces the emergence of space travel in the popular mind, its expression in science fiction, and its influence on national space programs. Space exploration dramatically illustrates the power of imagination. The author shows how that power inspired people to attempt what they once deemed impossible....
"Given the near incomprehensible enormity of the universe, it appears almost inevitable that humankind will one day find a planet that appears to be much like Earth. This discovery will no doubt reignite the lure of interplanetary travel. Will we be up to the task? And, given our limited resources, biological constraints, and the general hostility of space, what shape should we expect such expeditions to take?" "In Robots in Space, Roger Launius and...