Kweisi Mfume
"The story of Kweisi Mfume is a classic American saga. Uprooted from the rural tranquility of Turners Station and thrust upon the gritty streets of West Baltimore, the child born Frizzell Gray seemed fated to become another statistic of black urban pathology. In a household shattered by domestic violence and emotional strife, Frizzell had only the strong arms of his loving mother to protect him and his three younger sisters. But when he was sixteen...
Given his background, President Truman was an unlikely champion of civil rights. Where he grew up--the border state of Missouri--segregation was accepted and largely unquestioned. Both his maternal and paternal grandparents had owned slaves, and his beloved mother, victimized by Yankee forces, railed against Abraham Lincoln for the remainder of her ninety-four years. When Truman assumed the presidency on April 12, 1945, Michael R. Gardner points out,...