Robert L. Miller
"The Indochina and Vietnam Wars followed one another over a thirty-five year span from 1940 to 1975. These two closely related conflicts are usually treated separately, mostly in isolation from one another. This book presents those wars as a single historical event for the student and the informed general reader. The United States began its direct involvement in Indochina in July 1940 within days of France's defeat by Nazi Germany as a reaction to...
"Iran feels isolated and different from other countries. It is a nation or a people that wish to claim allegiance both to the ancient heritage of Persia and to its identity as a Shiite state in the midst of a hostile Arab and Sunni environment. Iranians are also more open to the outside world than any other Muslim people: a large part of its population is westernized or aspires to the 'Western way of life.' They are proud of their rich culture and...