Richard Mitchell
"The Imperial Rayon Company corruption scandal (popularly known as the Teijin Incident) was Japan's most notable interwar political bribery case. Compared to numerous Japanese corruption cases of the past century, the Teijin affair not only stands out as the most sensational of the pre-1945 era but also the most important - perhaps because more than any other case, it has left an indelible mark on the public mind. Nevertheless, Japanese and foreign...
Mitchell spent a dozen years among survivalists at public conferences, private meetings, and clandestine training camps across America. He found at work in survivalism a profound and meaningful critique of contemporary industrial society, a society in which the real evil is not repressive government but the far more insidious influence of a "Planet Microsoft" mentality with its abundance of empty choices. Survivalists, Mitchell shows us, are seeking...
"In 'Less Than Words Can Say,' Mitchell wakes everybody up with the most devastating expose to date of our rampant misue of English. A Don Quixote - Savonarola might be more apt - of language, he wages war on its perverters, from teachers and deans to politicians and bureaucrats, whose consistently overblown prose offers us inanity in the guise of wisdom" (from book jacket).