Kathleen Deska Pagana
Far from just raising pinkie fingers and spooning soup, today s etiquette includes everything from effective networking to appropriate social media engagement to the perfect, polished look. For new graduates and seasoned nurses alike, mastery of modern etiquette is critical to personal and professional success. This revised and expanded third edition of Etiquette & Communication Strategies for Nurses will help you increase your confidence, enhance...
This reference handbook offers clear, concise coverage of over 700 of the most commonly performed diagnostic and laboratory tests -including 39 new to this edition. Trusted authors, Kathleen Pagana, PhD, RN and Timothy Pagana, MD, FACS, bring together a comprehensive collection of full color designs, illustrations and photos to show exactly how various tests are performed. Related tests are grouped by chapter and presented in a consistent format to...
Concise test entries are arranged alphabetically and reflect the latest in research and diagnostic testing. Each test entry includes vital information such as type of test, alternate or abbreviated test names, test explanation, normal and abnormal findings, possible critical values, contraindications, potential complications, interfering factors, and patient care. To simplify lookup, related tests are cross-referenced. (amazon.com).
Professional etiquette reaches far beyond which fork to use at a formal dinner. In fact, from handling business meetings to using smart devices to cultivating one's career, professional etiquette is critical to personal and professional success for everyone from new graduates to seasoned nurses. This updated edition will prepare nurses handle awkward and challenging situations. This preparation will increase the reader's confidence, enhance their...