Richard Panek
"Though they met just once, and even then didn't know what to make of each other's work, Albert Einstein and Sigmund Freud had more in common than they might have imagined. Each had explored the foremost problem in his field, and each had found himself confronting the same obstacle: a lack of evidence - or at least evidence as science then knew it. In this narrative, Richard Panek joins them on the parallel journeys of discovery that altered forever...
"A cutting-edge account of the latest science of autism, from the best-selling author and advocate Temple Grandin is a star, a Time Magazine top 100 Hero and an inspiration to millions worldwide. Since she started writing and speaking about autism, the number of people diagnosed with it has skyrocketed--but so has the research that is transforming our understanding of the autistic brain. Now she brings her singular perspective to a thrilling journey...