Steven Parissien
"The car has shaped the modern era more profoundly than any other human invention. Its manufacture introduced mass-production to the world, bringing with it tarmac, suburbs, and car culture. In this comprehensive world history of the most important transport innovation of the modern age, historian Dr. Steven Parissien examines the impact, development, and significance of the automobile over its turbulent and colorful 130-year history. He tells the...
2) Adam style
In the mid-Georgian era, between 1750 and 1785, a form of domestic neo-classicism arose that came to be named after the outstanding architect of the period, Robert Adam. This book contains examples of that style, and shows the ways in which they were designed and decorated.
England emerged from the wars of the early eighteenth century as a world power, her colonies and dominions vastly extended. During this period, a reaction to the excesses of the Baroque led to the adoption of a new style of architecture and interior decoration. Inspired by the proportional classicism of the great Italian architect Andrea Palladio, designers such as Lord Burlington, Colen Campbell and William Kent created a new architectural style:...
The Regency period (c. 1780 -- 1837) saw the development of what is today one of the most popular styles in architecture and design. The combined influences of the antique and the exotic, together with the technological innovations of the day, produced a sophisticated style which was eclectic but also quintessentially British. By examining the constituent parts of the Regency house in England and America -- its architecture, doors and windows, plasterwork...