James Phelan
USA. Case study of the impact of the du pont company on the state of delaware as an example of the social role and political power of a large private enterprise in the community in which it operates - discusses working conditions, management attitudes, trade union activities, the du pont family role in local government decision making and taxation evasion, the local level electoral system, public interest representation, etc. References, maps and...
Joseph Conrad: Voice, Sequence, History, Genre 1) that narrative theory, and especially some of its more recent developments, can help critics generate greater insight into the complexities of Conrad's work; and (2) that a rigorous engagement with Conradian narrative can lead theorists to a further honing of their analytical tools. More particularly, the volume focuses on the four narrative issues identified in the subtitle, and it analyzes examples...
"For the past forty years The Nature of Narrative has been an essential work for students of literature, teachers, writers, and scholars. Countering the tendency to view the novel as the paradigm case of literary narrative, Robert Scholes and Robert Kellogg offered a compelling history of narrative from antiquity to the twentieth century. Their main goal was to describe and analyze the nature of narrative's key elements: meaning, character, plot,...
""After Testimony is the first larger collective project that specifically and self-consciously employs narrative theory in its analysis of texts about the Holocaust, an undertaking that, in my opinion, is woefully overdue, especially given the ubiquity of narratological approaches in literary and cultural studies in general. For that reason alone, I think this volume will be of immense importance to the field of Holocaust Studies." -Erin McGlothlin,...