Vincent Pomarède
Comprehensive collection catalog of the paintings collection of the Louvre. Each entry includes artist's name, painting name, date, size, material, location in the museum, and the Louvre inventory number. The DVD-ROM includes all paintings in the book and is browsable by artist, collection, or location. The advanced search feature allows searching by title, date, material, location, and more.
A staggering number of paintings were once thought to be Rembrandts, but of the 800 or so works attributed to the Dutch master during the 19th century, only about 300 remain authenticated. Interestingly, the 1800s were also a period in which France dominated Rembrandt collecting and research. In the 20th century, expertise shifted to Holland, Great Britain, and the U.S., leaving French holdings isolated and neglected for a time. The Louvre, however,...
Look beneath the surface of any centuries-old painting and you'll find no shortage of stories. More than likely the picture, like an ancient building, has a colorful history of damage and restoration. But some masterpieces tell a separate tale that can't be seen with the eye or a microscope. Poussin Study Day at the Museé des Beaux-Arts in Lyon focused on a single work, The Flight into Egypt, which was acquired in association with the Louvre and...
Leonardo da Vinci's Virgin and Child with Saint Anne had already been disfigured by attempts at repairs when the controversial decision was made in 2009 to once again attempt a clean-up and refurbishing. Complicating the decision was the fact that da Vinci had never finished the painting, but returned to it year after year to modify it. Could a restoration remain true to da Vinci's intentions? Might the masterpiece be further damaged by trying to...