José Guadalupe Posada
Chapbook cover shows a scene from a one-act Christmas shepherd's play: four shepherds--two women and two men--stand together, with a town in the background and the Star of Bethlehem above. The script concerns a "good versus evil" storyline involving the shepherds, with the birth of the child Jesus at the center of the play's events.
"In a series of lesson plans and a "program of study" about our beleaguered planet, Upside Down, takes us on a wild trip through the global looking glass. From a master class in "The Impunity of Power" to a seminar on "The Sacred Car," with tips along the way on "How to Resist Useless Vices" and a declaration of "The Right to Rave," Galeano surveys a world unevenly divided between abundance and deprivation, carnival and torture, power and its lack....
Funny Bones tells the story of how the amusing calaveras--skeletons performing various everyday or festive activities--came to be. They are the creation of Mexican artist José Guadalupe (Lupe) Posada (1852-1913). In a country that was not known for freedom of speech, he first drew political cartoons, much to the amusement of the local population but not the politicians. He continued to draw cartoons throughout much of his life, but he is best known...