Radish Creative Group.
Explains how to conduct solid online research by collecting information in an organized, efficient, and ethical way. Provides guidance on a range of research activities, including evaluating the credibility of Web content, documenting online sources, and paraphrasing. Emphasizes the consequences of plagiarism and shaky facts.
The Nuclear Age, sprung upon the world with the atomic bomb, remains a bitter memory. How biotechnology, with its power to change life on Earth at the most fundamental level, will be viewed in the decades to come depends on decisions being made right now. This program confronts viewers with some of the ethical and moral implications of cloning, stem cell research, and animal testing.
Is American citizenship all about personal freedom and the rights of the individual? Or should the concept of the?good citizen? take precedence, underscoring the duties and contributions an individual owes to society? Where does immigration fit in? This program helps students sift through various meanings of American citizenship and the historical forces that have shaped it. With energetic visuals, expert interviews, and examples from past political...