Lawrence R. Samuel
"Psychology has stepped down from the university chair into the marketplace" was how the New York Times put it in 1926. Another commentator in 1929 was more biting. Psychoanalysis, he said, had over a generation, "converted the human scene into a neurotic." Freud first used the word around 1895, and by the 1920s psychoanalysis was a phenomenon to be reckoned with in the United States. How it gained such purchase, taking hold in virtually every aspect...
Overview: Sexidemic is the first real cultural history of sexuality in the United States since the end of World War II. For a people who supposedly love sex, the author argues, Americans have had no shortage of problems with it. Since the end of World War II, in fact, we've had a contentious relationship with sexuality, the subject a source of considerable tension and controversy on both an individual and societal level. Rather than being a simple...
Aging is a preoccupation shared by beauty bloggers, serious journalists, scientists, doctors, celebrities--arguably all of adult America, given the pervasiveness of the crusade against it in popular culture and the media. We take our youth-oriented culture as a given but, as Lawrence R. Samuel argues, this was not always the case. Old age was revered in early America, in part because it was so rare. Indeed, it was not until the 1960s, according to...
There is no better way to understand America than by understanding the cultural history of the American Dream. Rather than just a powerful philosophy or ideology, it is thoroughly woven into the fabric of everyday life, playing a vital role in who we are, what we do, and why we do it. Tracing the history of the phrase in popular culture, the author gives readers a field guide to the evolution of our national identity over the last eighty years. No...
Pledging Allegiance documents how African Americans, Euro-Americans, and labor-union members bought bonds as an expression of not only national loyalty but also racial, ethnic, and class pride. A powerful "Double V" message disseminated in African American newspapers and speeches suggested that a bond-supported victory over racism abroad could be a prelude to victory over racism at home. Black entertainers and athletes, most notably Duke Ellington...
As Americans, we have been taught to be obsessed with money and the people who have it. We are curious about what they buy, where they vacation, and what separates them from the rest of us. Rich puts the American obsession with money into context, exposing the origins of the upper class. The book traces the history of the American rich from 1920 up to today, examining the who, what, when, where, and why of the wealthy elite. Samuel delves into the...