John Sayles
In 1981 Miami, exiled Cuban Marta de la Pena is beautiful, religious and obsessed with conquering Cuba via an odd assortment of would-be guerrillas. As the story unfolds, Marta's family story comes to light, where her father Scipio lives through the sweep of Cuban history toward Castro's revolution and the flight of the family to the United States. Marta remembers the death of her brother Ambrosio, who was killed in the ill-fated Bay of Pigs invasion...
The moment the Grace family moves into the dilapidated Spiderwick Estate, strange things begin to happen. Jared, a curious, adventurous boy, quickly seeks out and finds the hidden laboratory of his great great uncle Arthur Spiderwick. He unleashes a mysterious force when he locates a field guide full of the secrets of the magical creatures that inhabit the forest surrounding the mansion. His twin brother Simon is calm and reserved but is rapidly drawn...