W. George Scarlett
"Approaches to Behavior and Classroom Management: Integrating Discipline and Care focuses on helping teachers use a variety of behavior and classroom management approaches in order to make good decisions when faced with the challenge of creating positive classroom communities. This text provides educators with the frameworks necessary for understanding different approaches to behavior and classroom management, a deep understanding of each approach,...
"Children's Play looks at the many facets of play and how it develops from infancy through late childhood. Authors W. George Scarlett, Sophie Naudeau, Dorothy Salonius-Pasternak, and Iris Ponte take a broad approach to examining how children play by including a wide variety of types of play, play settings, and play media. The book also discusses major revolutions in the way today's children play, including changes in organized youth sports, children's...
The Encyclopedia of Religious and Spiritual Development is the first reference work to focus on the developmental process of religion and spirituality across the human life span. Spiritual development is an important part of human development that has links to identity development, moral development, and civic engagement. This innovative Encyclopedia offers insight into the characteristics of people and their contexts that interact to influence religious...