Ulrike Schaede
"In Choose and Focus, the first in-depth account of this strategic inflection point in Japanese business, Ulrike Schaede argues that the emerging practices and attitudes have created a New Japan. Drawing on profiles of several corporations, including Panasonic, Takeda, Astellas, Softbank, and kakaku.com, Schaede explains how the fundamental principles of Japan's economy have been overturned. "Choose and focus" strategies, Whereby corporations concentrate...
Schaede (international relations, U. of California at San Diego) and Grimes (international relations, Boston U.) term Japan's efforts to manage their domestic economy's response to globalization "permeable insulation," in that it attempts to insulate core domestic interests but aims to allow more freedom in certain corporate sectors. They present 10 separately authored chapters that examine the concept of permeable insulation as it relates to various...