Maximilian Schell
Millionaire Jewish entrepreneur Arthur Goldman (Schell) rules a financial empire from his Manhattan penthouse. He is given to passionate and capricious ravings on a variety of subjects. His growing paranoia, dismissed by those close to him, is confirmed when he is kidnapped by Israeli agents and brought to trial in Israel for crimes against humanity. Is he Arthur Goldman or is he Adolph Dorf, former SS colonel who headed a Nazi concentration camp?...
3) Deep impact
'Deep Impact' is the story of the world's reaction to a death sentence. As a comet approaches the earth which might not be destroyed or divertedbefore it reaches earth, each individual struggles in the face of extinction to find what most matters to him or her.
Stephen and Bloom are brothers who have been con artists since they were kids. Stephen is the mastermind, while Bloom is the main character of Stephen's stories. As adults, they travel the world and never enlist the same people twice in their cons, except for their consistent sidekick, the mysterious and primarily silent Bang Bang, a Japanese woman who just appeared in their lives one day and happens to have a penchant for blowing things up. As Bloom...