Vandana Shiva
"A leading voice in struggles for global justice, Vandana Shiva is a world-renowned environmental activist and physicist. In Earth Democracy, Shiva updates the struggles she helped bring to international attention--against genetic food engineering, cultural theft, and natural resource privatization--uncovering their link to the rising tide of fundamentalism, violence against women, and planetary death."--Cover.
Mals, Italy, has long been known as the breadbasket of the Tyrol. But recently the tiny town became known for something else entirely. A Precautionary Tale tells us why, introducing readers to an unlikely group of activists and a forward-thinking mayor who came together to ban pesticides in Mals by a referendum vote--making it the first place on Earth to accomplish such a feat, and a model for other towns and regions to follow. For hundreds of years,...
Manifestos on the Future of Food and Seed lays out, in practical steps and far-reaching concepts, a program to ensure food and agriculture become more socially and ecologically sustainable. The book harvests the work and ideas produced by thousands of communities around the world. Emerging from the historic gatherings at Terra Madre, farmers, traders, and activists diagnose and offer prescriptions to reverse perhaps the worst food crisis faced in...
On this episode of Moyers & Company, Bill Moyers talks with scientist and philosopher Vandana Shiva, who's become a rock star in the global battle over genetically modified seeds. These seeds--considered "intellectual property" by the big companies that own the patents--are globally marketed to monopolize food production and profits. Opponents challenge the safety of genetically modified seeds, claiming they also harm the environment, are more costly,...