John Short
"Representing the Republic provides an account of the mapping of America from its colonial origins to 1900. The most significant maps and mapmakers are discussed in a survey that begins with the first European mappings of New Netherlands in the early seventeenth century and concludes with the Rand McNally atlases of the 1890s." "Maps tell us a great deal about the transformation of America's national identity. Having undertaken extensive research...
"The book provides detailed account of four major disasters that befell the USA in the first decade of the twenty first century: the invasion of Iraq, Hurricane Katrina and the drowning of New Orleans, financial meltdown and the Gulf oil spill. It provides a compelling narrative of each event that summarizes the main findings but also shows the connections and ultimately the deep stresses that fracture contemporary USA. The text is very accessible...
"Born out of a partnership of a writer, a photographer, and a designer, this book is both a photographic and an editorial investigation. It takes the reader on a journey through the physical locations that played host to key moments in New York City's avant-garde culture from the 1950s to the late 1980s"--Page 9.