Jeannette Sorrell
Apollo's Fire presents a program created by director Jeannette Sorrell, which follows the joys and sorrows of Celtic immigrants who settled in Appalachia. Sparkling fiddle tunes and haunting ballads of the British Isles mingled with American shapenote hymns and African spirituals, creating the soulful music known as Appalachian. Passing through love and loss, dancing and prayer, the music overflows in celebration as the people of the mountains raise...
17) Songs of Orpheus
"A journey of love, through the songs of the early 17th-century composers who took inspiration from the myth of Orpheus--the greatest singer of all time."
18) The Messiah
Handel's 'Messiah' is already very well-represented on the CD market. Yet this is a very special version, carefully crafted, under the fine direction of Daniela Dolci, with singers Miriam Feuersinger, Flavio Ferri-Benedetti, Dino Lüthy and Raitis Grigalis joining the ensemble Musica Fiorita. For obtaining the nuanced sound aesthetics which define this recording, the chosen cast is deliberately small: alongside the soloists, two voices per part were...