Alan Stern
"The eight essays range across the breadth of planetary science, from the inner to the outer worlds, from telescopic to robotic exploration, and from computerized armchairs to diving below the Antarctic ice. The stories encompass tales of personal exploration and the fears of a scientist living at the edge of funding difficulties. You will learn about the mountains of the Moon, the craters of Venus, the volcanos of Io, the possibility of seas on Titan,...
"The exploration of Pluto and its moon, Charon, is a tale of perseverance and ingenuity on the part of the planetary scientists who have been lured by the fascination of these far-flung miniature worlds. In their book, Stern and Mitton turn that story into an entertaining adventure, starting with the discovery of Pluto in 1930. In a highly accessible narrative, they bring to life the many Pluto researchers ("Plutophiles"), who with skill and resourcefulness...