Matthew Stewart
2) Monturiol's dream: the extraordinary story of the submarine inventor who wanted to save the world
"This is the story of the strange and noble life - and dream - of nineteenth-century utopian social revolutionary and self-taught engineer Narcis Monturiol, who invented the world's first fully operational steam-powered submarine, not as a weapon of war but as a means of saving human life and spreading democracy." "Matthew Stewart tells the story of Monturiol from his childhood to his years living the dangerous life of a revolutionary. We see him...
Philosophy in the late seventeenth century was a dangerous business. No careerist could afford to side with the reclusive philosopher and "atheist Jew" Spinoza. Yet the ambitious young genius Leibniz became obsessed with Spinoza's writings, wrote him clandestine letters, and ultimately called on Spinoza in person at his home in The Hague. Both men were at the center of the intense religious, political, and personal battles that gave birth to the modern...