David Stone
"Comprehensive and authoritative, War Summits charts the problems and the compromises, the discussions and the negotiations, the successes and the failures of the U.S., British, and Soviet allies from 1941 to 1945. David Stone highlights the sometimes less than altruistic national agendas, the well-founded doubts and uncertainties, and the recurring suspicions of Roosevelt, Churchill, and Stalin and their advisers. And Stone relates the strategic...
"Integrating military history into the broader themes of Russian history, and drawing comparisons to developments in Europe, Stone traces Russia's fascinating military history, and its long struggle to master Western military technology without Western social and political institutions. Starting with the military dimensions of the emergence of Muscovy and the disastrous reign of Ivan the Terrible, he traces Russia's emergence as a great power under...
3) Film history
The Lumiere brothers and Thomas Edison would definitely be impressed if they could see how far the medium created with the invention of the movie camera has evolved. This program examines the history of film, from its beginnings in the late 19th century to the invention of VCRs. Filmmaking's roots as an entertainment and storytelling medium are examined, along with the emergence of Hollywood, the studio star system, and birth of the talkies. Film...
This program is an excellent survey of the history of mass media. Academic and industry experts discuss the invention and impact of the printing press, telegraph, and telephone, all of which have allowed information to be easily transmitted over great distances. Mass media as it is currently evolving is also examined in depth. During the 1920s and 30s, radio dominated entertainment and the news and changed America's social habits. The advent of broadcast...
"I realized there was no context in which women ever talk about their vaginas." From this starting point, playwright Eve Ensler began what has become an ongoing odyssey into traditionally forbidden territory. This program captures all the intimacy, emotion, and laughter of Ensler's performance of her award-winning, one-woman play. Between monologues, documentary-style footage is used to explore the creative impetus behind the play as Ensler conducts...