Mark Taylor
"Shakespeare's Imitations examines, in four plays by Shakespeare, scenes and other elements (characters, speeches, incidental actions) that strongly resemble other materials within these same plays and to some extent outside them. The book represents these scenes as models and their imitations, images and their reflections, originals and copies, the things that are imitated and the things that imitate them, and it does so within the context of classical...
"We live in an ever-accelerating world: faster computers, markets, food, fashion, product cycles, minds, bodies, kids, lives. When did everything start moving so fast? Why does speed seem so inevitable? Is faster always better? Drawing together developments in religion, philosophy, art, technology, fashion, and finance, Mark C. Taylor presents an original and rich account of a great paradox of our times: how the very forces and technologies that were...
6) Hiding
The age of information, media, and virtuality is transforming every aspect of human experience. Questions that have long haunted the philosophical imagination are becoming urgent practical concerns: Where does the natural end and the artificial begin? Is there a difference between the material and the immaterial? In his new work, Mark C. Taylor extends his ongoing investigation of postmodern worlds by critically examining a wide range of contemporary...
A provocative look at the troubled present state of American higher education and a passionately argued and learned manifesto for its future. Educator Mark C. Taylor expands on the ideas in his hugely controversial 2009 New York Times op-ed. His suggestions for the ivory tower are both thought-provoking and rigorous: End tenure. Restructure departments to encourage greater cooperation among existing disciplines. Emphasize teaching rather than increasingly...