Joseph Turow
"The Internet is often hyped as a means to enhanced consumer power: a hypercustomized media world where individuals exercise unprecedented control over what they see and do. That is the scenario media guru Nicholas Negroponte predicted in the 1990s, with his hypothetical online newspaper The Daily Me - and it is one we experience now in daily ways. But, as media expert Joseph Turow shows, the customized media environment we inhabit today reflects...
2) The voice catchers: how marketers listen in to exploit your feelings, your privacy, and your wallet
The first in-depth examination of the voice intelligence industry, this timely book exposes how artificial intelligence is enabling personalized marketing and discrimination through voice analysis. Amazon and Google have numerous patents around voice profiling, and their smart speakers already extract and use your voice prints for identification and more. Customer service centers are treating you differently from other callers based on what they conclude...
3) The aisles have eyes: how retailers track your shopping, strip your privacy, and define your power
"By one expert's prediction, within twenty years half of Americans will have body implants that tell retailers how they feel about specific products as they browse their local stores. The notion may be outlandish, but it reflects executives' drive to understand shoppers in the aisles with the same obsessive detail that they track us online. In fact, a hidden surveillance revolution is already taking place inside brick-and-mortar stores, where Americans...
The Hyperlinked Society focuses on "links" as one of the most basic - and unexamined - features of online life. Bringing together a prominent array of thinkers from industry and academe, this collection addresses a provocative series of questions about the ways in which hyperlinks organize behavior online.-publisher description.
"Commercial breaks, radio spots, product placements, billboards, pop-up ads - we sometimes take for granted how much advertising surrounds us in our daily lives. We may find ads funny, odd, or even disturbing, but we rarely stop to consider their deeper meaning or function within society. What, exactly, does advertising do? How and why do ads influence us? How does the advertising industry influence our media? These are just a few of the many important...