Richard R. Valencia
In 1925 Adolfo ?Babe? Romo, a Mexican American rancher in Tempe, Arizona, filed suit against his school district on behalf of his four young children, who were forced to attend a markedly low-quality segregated school, and won. But Romo v. Laird was just the beginning. Some sources rank Mexican Americans as one of the most poorly educated ethnic groups in the United States. Chicano Students and the Courts is a comprehensive look at this community?s...
During the early 1990s - when this book's first edition was published - the Chicano population in the USA numbered nearly 13 million (two thirds of its total Latino population). Indications were that school problems and conditions - which were already poor for these people - were worsening. A decade down the line, how has the situation changed? From various perspectives, the second edition of this respected work examines the school failure and success...