Judith S Wallerstein
"Twenty-five years ago, Judith Wallerstein began talking to a group of 131 children whose parents were all going through a divorce. She asked them to tell her about the intimate details of their lives, which they did with remarkable candor. Having earned their trust, Wallerstein was rewarded with a deeply moving portrait of each of their lives as she followed them from childhood, through their adolescent struggles, and into adulthood. With The Unexpected...
"Second Chances, based on Judith Wallerstein's groundbreaking study of sixty families, has radically transformed the ways in which we think about divorce. A national bestseller, it is the first book to provide a comprehensive account of the long-term emotional, economic, and psychological effects of divorce - on adults and, most especially, on children. For anyone who is contemplating divorce, going through a divorce, or living in its aftermath, the...