Nicholas Fox Weber
The idiosyncratic lives of Sterling and Stephen Clark, two of America's greatest art collectors, heirs to the Singer sewing machine fortune, and for decades bitter enemies. Includes the story of the two generations that preceded theirs, providing an intimate portrait of one of the least known of America's richest families. The story includes the founding of the Baseball Hall of Fame and New York's Museum of Modern Art, and a bizarre attempted coup...
2) Anni Albers
"Among the foremost textile designers of the 20th century, Anni Albers was a central figure of the Weaving Workshop at the Bauhaus in prewar Germany. Accompanying a centennial retrospective of her work, this volume contains full-color reproductions of Albers's most important weavings, drapery materials and wall coverings, as well as scores of her highly influential commercial textile designs. Anni Albers had an enormous effect on the design of yard...
"The first full-scale biography of one of the most elusive and enigmatic painters of our time - the self-proclaimed Count Balthus Klossowski de Rola - whose brilliantly rendered, markedly sexualized portraits, especially of young girls, are among the most memorable images in contemporary art." "In 1934 his first exhibition, in Paris, stunned the art world. The seven canvases drew attention to his extraordinary technique - a mix of tradition and imagination...
From acclaimed biographer and cultural historian, this is the first full-scale life of Le Corbusier, one of the most influential, admired, and maligned architects of the twentieth century, heralded is a prophet in his lifetime, revered as a god after his death. He was a leader of the modernist movement that sought to create better living conditions and a better society through housing concepts. He predicted the city of the future with its large, white...