Marco Williams
" ... follows the journey of Imran [Uddin], a young American Muslim who struggles to take over his father's halal slaughterhouse in New York City. A first-generation American, Imran must confront his mixed heritage and gain acceptance from his father's immigrant community at the traditional storefront slaughterhouse. On the holiest day of the year, Imran must lead a sacrifice that will define him as a Muslim, as an American, and as a son"
"In 1998 in Jasper, Texas, James Byrd Jr., a black man, was chained to a pick-up truck and dragged to his death by three white men. The town was forever altered, and the nation woke up to the horror of modern-day lynching. In Two Towns of Jasper, by filmmakers Whitney Dow and Marco Wililams, two film crews, one black and one white, set out to document the aftermath of the murder by following the trials of the local men charged with the crime. The...
Massacre at Mystic: The first time the English settlers engaged in the slaughter of Native Americans after years of relatively peaceful coexistence. Shays' Rebellion: A violent protest against dept collection and taxation motivated George Washington to come out of retirement to help strengthen the fragile new nation which led to the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Gold rush: The discovery of gold spurred tremendous financial and physical growth...