Tom Wolfe
At Dupont University, an innocent college freshman named Charlotte Simmons learns that her intellect alone will not help her survive.
Our story unfolds at fictional Dupont University: those Olympian halls of scholarship housing the cream of America's youth, the roseate Gothic spires and manicured lawns suffused with tradition . . . Or so it appears to beautiful, brilliant Charlotte Simmons, a sheltered freshman from North Carolina. But Charlotte...
A colorful cast of residents and visitors to Miami go about their daily activities, both legal and illegal. The police launch speeds across Miami's Biscayne Bay with officer Nestor Camacho on board. Into the feverous landscape of the only city in the world where people from a different country with a different language and a different culture have taken over at the ballot box. This melting pot is full of hard cases who just won't melt, damn it. He...
In his first book - a collection that launched its author as America's foremost entertainer with something to say-Tom Wolfe took a sharp-eyed look at the American scene of the early 1960s and zeroed in on the exotic forms of status-seeking that flourished across the country from New York to Los Angeles.
5) In our time
Nearly one hundred black-and-white caricatures, accompanied by captions or by full prose vignettes, reveal the fancies, foibles, and leading types of the 1970s.
The Painted Word charts the erratic course of the social history of Modern Art from it beginnings in revolution - a revolution against literary content in art - to its present state, in which it has become, quite unconsciously, a parody of itself, obsessedly devoted to the pronouncements of certain guru-critics, to the point of reductio ad absurdum, to the point where - turnabout being fair play - it has become as literary, as academic, as mannered,...
Two essays scathingly comment on the new racial and ethnic games being played by America's Beautiful People.
In this devastatingly funny book, Tom Wolfe shows again why he is regarded as his era's most brilliant observer of the American social scene. The book consists of two long essays, closely related in theme and substance, both dealing with political stances and social styles in the status-minded world of the 1960s. In Radical Chic, Wolfe describes...
10) The right stuff
A narrative of the early days of the U.S. space program and the people who made it happen, including Chuck Yeager, Pete Conrad, Gus Grissom, and John Glenn.
"Today everyone (tout le monde) is looking at the past fifty years of American architecture with a new pair of eyes. As Tom Wolfe writes in his introduction to From Bauhaus to Our House, "O Beautiful, for spacious skies, for amber waves of grain, has there ever been another place on earth where so many people of wealth and power have paid for and put up with so much architecture they detested as within thy blessed borders today?... Every child goes...
12) Hooking up
From the Publisher: In Hooking Up, Tom Wolfe ranges from coast to coast observing 'the lurid carnival actually taking place in the mightiest country on earth in the year 2000.' From teenage sexual manners and mores to fundamental changes in the way human beings now regard themselves thanks to the hot new fields of genetics and neuroscience; from his legendary profile of William Shawn, editor of The New Yorker (first published in 1965), to a remarkable...
13) The right stuff
The story of how seven cocky pilots became the astronauts of Project Mercury and pioneered America's launch into the space race.
This volume chronicles the life's work of an artist dedicated to challenging the sacred cows of modernism by calling for a reunion of beauty and morality in art and reuniting art with the concerns of humanity. This renewed vision of art, Frederick Hart believes, can be achieved only by reasserting the preeminence of the human figure as the fundamental element in the language of visual art.
Text and picture portfolios focus on Hart's major public...