World Bank.
The paper highlights that the education of children, and youth merits the highest priority in a world afflicted by HIV/AIDS, specifically because a good basic education ranks among the most effective - and cost-effective - means of HIV prevention. It also merits priority because the very education system that supplies a nation's future, is being greatly threatened by the epidemic, particularly in areas of high, or rising HIV prevalence. The paper...
After decades of stagnation, the size of Latin America's middle class recently expanded to the point where, for the first time ever, the number of people in poverty is equal to the size of the middle class. This volume investigates the nature, determinants and possible consequences of this remarkable process of social transformation. We propose an original definition of the middle class, tailor-made for Latin America, centered on the concept of economic...
"International Trade and Climate Change: Economic, Legal, and Institutional Perspectives provides a comprehensive look, from economic, legal, and institutional perspectives, at the intersections and potential synergies between climate change objectives and international trade obligations. The book identifies the key issues at stake, where they mesh and where they do not, as well as opportunities for aligning development and energy policies in ways...
This report seeks to present micro evidence on how environmental changes affect poor households. It focuses primarily on environmental resources that are outside the private sphere, particularly commonly held and managed resources such as forests, fisheries, and wildlife. The objectives for this volume are three-fold. It is first interested in using an empirical data-driven approach to examine the dependence of the poor on natural resources. The second...
Despite privatization, state-owned enterprises still account for a large share of developing countries' economies. This report shows how divestiture and other reforms can improve the economy, why politics often impede reform, and how countries that reformed successfully overcame these obstacles.
This work explores the contrasting development options available to Beijing and Shangai and proposes strategies for these cities based on their current and acquired capabilities, experience of other world cities, the emerging demand in the national market, and likely trends in global trade.
"This book describes estimates of wealth and its components for nearly 120 countries. It regards economic policy as a process of portfolio management in which the assets are produced capital, natural resources, and human resources. In this framework, sustainability is an integral part of economic policy making. The rigorous analysis, presented in accessible format, identifies the conditions for sustainable growth and development, providing a useful...
Globalization and its relation to poverty reduction and development is not well understood. This book examines the ways in which globalization can overcome poverty or make it worse whilst defining the big historical trends. It identifies the main global flows - trade, capital, aid, migration and policy - and examines how each can contribute to undermine economic development. By considering what helps and what does not, the book presents policy recommendations...
In this title some 40 development economists, most of them from the World Bank's poverty reduction and economic management network, an epicenter of the profession, tell us what they see on the horizon of their technical disciplines and of their geographic areas of specialization. Following the 2008-09 global financial crises, much economic policy is up for reexamination. This synthesis picks from each chapter what is new, what is likely to change,...
Globalization is a powerful force for poverty reduction as societies and economies around the world are becoming more integrated. Although this international integration presents tremendous opportunities for developing countries, it also has raised concerns about rising inequality, shifting power, and cultural uniformity. This report assesses the impact of globalization and addresses the ensuing anxieties. It proposes an agenda for action aimed at...
This book, finance for all, presents first efforts at developing indicators illustrating that financial access is quite limited around the world and identifies barriers that may be preventing small firms and poor households from using financial services. Based on this research, the report derives principles for effective government policy on broadening access. The report's conclusions confirm some traditional views and challenge others. For example,...
A great value of this volume is its presentation of the Human Opportunity Index, an indicator that notes both basic opportunities and how equitably those opportunities are distributed, in this case, for the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean. The information used in the Index was compiled from household surveys for 19 countries from 1995-2005, which measured the welfare of children from the time of birth until 6th grade by noting their access...
"Workers' remittances, a major source of financing for developing countries, are especially important in Latin America and the Caribbean. Remittances and Development relies on cross-country panel data and household surveys for 11 Latin American countries to explore the development impact of remittances flows along several dimensions: growth, poverty, inequality, schooling, health, labor supply, financial development, and real exchange rates."--Jacket...