PART I. Aristotle and the ancients : Mathematics, motion and machines
1. The ancients : Heavenly geometry
2. Aristotle : Touching earth
3. The Arabs : Mohammedan amalgamation
4. Medieval magick and Renaissance revival : Finding the force
5. The merchants : Mathematics of money and machines of war
PART II. The European scientific revolution : The passionate pursuit of order
6. Mathematics : The first wave
7. Physics : The first wave
8. Chemistry : The first wave
9. Mathematics and physics : Wave after wave
10. Lavoisier : The chemical tsunami
PART III. The first atomic wars : Dalton to Perrin
11. Dalton's diminutive friends : An atomic theory
12. Thermodynamics : The warmth and how it spreads
13. Gnats in sunbeams : Kinetic theory of gases
14. Statistical mechanics : Maxwell's demon and Boltzmann's dream
15. Thermochemistry : Willard Gibbs and the quiet insurrection
16. Atoms or not? The test of Jean Perrin
PART IV. Physics and chemistry come to light : Spectroscopy to quantum mechanics
17. Spectroscopy : Rainbows from the sun
18. Electromagnetism : The nature of the sun
19. Atomic structure : Pieces and puzzles
20. The quantum revolution : Little bits of stuff
21. Quantum riddle : When is a particle not a particle? When it's a wave
PART V. The flourish of the physical chemist : Affinity and force
22. Rebels and radicals : Quantum chemistry in the United States
23. System and symmetry : The further developments of quantum chemistry
24. The ionists and affinity : Physikalische Chemie
25. Intermolecular forces : The tie that binds
26. Heirs to the ionists : Physical chemistry crosses the ocean
27. Reaction rates : Physical chemistry keeps pace
PART VI. The fruits of their labors : The product of physical chemistry
28. Physical chemistry and physiology : Not so strange bedfellows
29. Nonlinear dynamics : Physical chemists make waves
30. Nonotechnology : How low can you go?
Extreme quantum : The questions keep coming