The ideology of assimilation : The myth of an American national character ; A mixed legacy ; The theory of compensatory education ; Mexican Americans, modernization, and the ideology of universalism ; Mexican Americans: homogeneity versus heterogeneity ; The damaging-culture view of Mexican Americans ; Adjustment and identity
Cultural democracy in education : Cultural democracy ; Biculturalism and American public education ; Cultural pluralism and cultural democracy ; The bicultural character of the world of Mexican American children: educational implications ; A bicultural perspective for implementing culturally democratic educational environments
Values : Four value clusters
Cognitive styles : Incentive- motivational styles ; Human-relational styles ; Patterns of intellectual abilities and learning styles ; Cognitive styles ; The relationship between socialization styles and cognitive styles
Intracultural variability, socialization practices, and cognitive styles : Characteristics of Mexican American communities ; Characteristics of communities: Mexican American socialization practices
Culturally democratic educational environments: language, heritage, and values : Language and heritage ; Values
Culturally democratic educational environments: bicognitive development : Assessing cognitive styles in children ; Assessing cognitive styles in adults ; Teacher training ; Curricula and classroom environment ; Evaluation ; Bicognitive functioning
Bicognitive development and educational policy : The new concept of bicognitive development ; Bicognitive development and psychological theory ; The concept of bicognitive development and new understandings of brain specialization ; Bicogitive development and education in a pluralistic society
Appendix A. The school situations picture story technique
Appendix B. Instruments most frequently used for assessing cognitive styles: special implications for Mexican American children
Appendix C. Field-sensitive/field independent behavior observation instruments: child and teacher
Appendix D. Recommendations for implementing culture-matching teaching strategies.