Andrew Marvell I / T.S. Eliot --
Andrew Marvell II / T.S. Eliot --
Marvell's 'Garden' / William Empson --
Society and Andrew Marvell / Christopher Hill --
Marvell's 'Horatian Ode' / Cleanth Brooks --
Marvell's 'Horatian Ode' / Douglas Bush --
Arguments of Marvell's 'Garden' / Frank Kermode --
Marvell's 'Nature' / Joseph H. Summers --
Logic and lyric : 'To his Coy Mistress' / J.V. Cunningham --
'Dialogue between the Soul and Body' : a debate / F.W. Bateson and F.R. Leavis.
Marvell and the poetry of judgement / A. Alvarez --
Some themes and variations in the poetry of Andrew Marvell / J.B. Leishman --
'Upon Appleton House' / Maren-Sofie Røstvig --
Andrew Marvell's 'the Coronet' : the frame of curiosity / John E. Hardy --
Marvell's garden of the mind / E.W. Tayler --
Death of innocence in Marvell's 'Nymph complaining for the death of her Faun' / Earl Miner.