Synthetic waltzes : for piano 4 hands (5:37)
Five songs to poems of William Blake (16:00)
Collected poems : duet set to poems by Kenneth Koch (5:27)
Four songs to poems of Thomas Campion (9:00)
Six selected portraits : for solo piano. Traveling in Spain: Alice Woodfin Branlière (2:22) ; Connecticut waltz: Harold Lewis Cook (1:31) ; Invention: Theodate Johnson busy and resting (1:34) ; Jamie Campbell: Stretching (1:49) ; Homage to Marya Freund and to the harp (1:37) ; James Patrick Cannon: Professional revolutionary (2:12)
Mostly about love : to poems of Kenneth Koch (12:00)
Tres estampes [sic] de niñez : to poems of Reyna Rivas (6:00)
Cat : duet to a poem by Jack Larson (3:29).