Foreword / by John B. Hattendorf --
The education and experience of a Siamese prince in the British Royal Navy / by Richard a. Ruth --
Continuity or change? Late Roman naval forces / by Jorit Wintjes --
Captain Vancouver and the coast Salish: contact history as naval history in the Pacific Northwest, 1792 / by Madeleine Peckham --
British naval policy and the manpower problem in the Georgian navy / by Samantha A. Cavall, J. Ross Dancy, and Evan Wilson --
Victuals and libations in the U.S. Navy during the time of sail and early steam / by Dennis Ringle --
Portable soup to Peruvian bark: medicinal trials in the Royal Navy, 1750-1800 / by Cori Convertito --
The first gunboat diplomacy: The U.S. Navy, Haiti, and the birth of American Interventionism, 1978-1800 / by Andrew J. Forney --
Overcoming "Hydrophobia": John Adams and the War of 1812 / by R.M. Barlow --
Brown Water, Blue Water: the naval battle for New Orleans / by Gene Allen Smith --
"Unquestionably there is an organized band of incendiaries": Confederate boat burners on the lower Mississippi River / by Laura June Davis --
Building a sugar empire: slave trafficking on the rivers of antebellum American / by Debra Jackson --
Tinclads, torpedoes, and levees: using environmental history of understand the Civil War's western theater / by Robert Gudmestad --
Technical human capital and retention in the U.S. Navy during the second industrial revolution / by Darrell J. Glaser and Ahmed S. Rahman --
Great-Power apprenticeships: naval and maritime operations of the United States and Japan, 1898-1905 / by Carl Cavanagh Hodge --
Two ships passing in the night: the United States, Great Britain, and the immunity of private property at sea in time of war, 1904-1907 / by Alan M. Anderson --
Strategy and sustainment: a century of Australian amphibious operations in the Asia-Pacific / by Rhys Crawley and Peter J. Dean --
Keep watch: the navy league in the interwar period / by Duncan Redford / Delivering the goods: the U.S. Merchant Marine in the Second World War / by Salvatore R. Mercogliano --
The Battle of Quemoy: the amphibious assault that held the postwar military balance in the Taiwan Strait / by Maochun Miles Yu --
The PLA at sea: China's search for a naval strategy / by Peter Lorge --
From Pearl Harbor to Vietnam: Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Adm. Arthur Radford and U.S. Foreign Policy in East Asia / by Zachary M. Matusheski --
Repairing the wreckage of Vietnam: the Marine Corps's greatest personnel campaign, 1975-1979 / by Nathan R. Packard.